விசும்பின் துளிவீழின் அல்லால் மற்றாங்கே
பசும்புல் தலைகாண்பு அரிது.
- வான் சிறப்பு, திருக்குறள்.
பசும்புல் தலைகாண்பு அரிது.
- வான் சிறப்பு, திருக்குறள்.
The above Thirukkural says that, a grass cannot grow without a drop of water, that comes in the form of rain to the Earth. Taking the above Thirukkural as our sole inspiration, Visumbu was established in the year 2013 by the student community of Sri Sankara Vidyalaya, Pammal. We believe that change starts within ourselves and it is our duty to make the world we live to be harmonious and sustainable.
We at Visumbu strive hard,
- To create awareness and enrich knowledge among ourselves
- To share knowledge and make people aware about their responsibilities
- To undertake several public welfare projects to help the needy
- To search and provide solutions to various public causes
- To organize various public welfare activities
Visumbu has a well organized heirarchy and a neatly framed protocols which the members are requested to follow.